Thursday 11 August 2011

Twitter Comes Alive With Realtime Activity Streams

Screen Shot 2011-08-10 at 2.51.20 PMSince its inception, content on Twitter has largely been displayed in the same basic manner. That is a linear, reverse�chronological stream of Tweets. Two new sections being added to the service are about to change that. Specifically, the "@Mentions" tab on is being replaced by two new tabs: "@USERNAME" and "Activity". These two streams will add an additional layer to Twitter and to Tweets themselves, a layer showing the social activity around them. The @USERNAME (obviously, USERNAME will be replaced by your Twitter name) stream will still show your @replies, but it will also show things like when someone follows you, when someone favorites one of your Tweets, when someone retweets one of your Tweets, or when someone adds you to a list.


Angelina Jolie The Olsen Twins Nicole Kidman The Eagles Rod Stewart Jerry Bruckheimer David Beckham

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